Thursday, 27 April 2017

HCI for Games - Linking it all together

My next task was to begin linking the pieces together, and with this came a number of hurdles, as the character select had technically been set up prior to the setup of any other menu functionality.
With the order of content creation being slightly out of sync with what I would normally expect from a HCI development standpoint I did not initially find it easy to link everything together working in a backward motion, with some breaks in my blueprinting occurring.

Again asking peers for any helpful advice or tips to assist me in the linking of the menu widgets into the physical character select system, I was eventually able to weave the menus into my system, and transition the HCI to the character select setup with relative ease.
I found no issues in linking the menus themselves together, but rather in specifically linking my custom menu setup to the character selection setup.
Blueprinting is definitely something I feel I need to work on over time to fully understand and gain a broader knowledge of overall.

To transition from one menu widget to another I used a remove from parent node, followed by a create widget node and an add to viewport node. Within the create widget nodes each respective widget was assigned to the correct button click to make my menu transition correctly.
Examples of this can be seen in the below screenshot, taken from my 'Game Options' widget;

The work to make the character select fit in with my custom menus consisted of a transition I wasn't sure how to perform when the play button is clicked from the main menu. This is when I consulted my peers for any help they may be able to give me.
This was the hurdle I met, as the character select system on its own worked fine, with some minor tweaks to my existing blueprints and some tips from a peer, I was able to link it together, the resulting blueprint solution can be seen below;

When I look back at the blueprinting procedure which I undertook I can see where I was initially going wrong, and I will doubtless learn from this fix and improve over time. Whilst I do not feel blueprinting is my forte and would certainly benefit from more detailed analysis of various nodes and the intricatcies of what each of them do, this is something I will be looking into over time as I will obviously need an understanding in the future to be able to create basic game models with an eye to making more full games.

Below is a basic video capture of my menu system in action as it stands, including the visuals of my main menu framework and the character select system functioning right through to gameplay also;

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HCI for Games - Changelog v1.3: Pause menu functionality and HUD advancements.

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